Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Family Bible Flyleaf Entries

It is hard to say who maintained these records – one feels that probably the later inscriptions were by Elspeth (except that there is the mention of Flashy’s illegitimate son Frank Grouard, of whom Elspeth may have had no knowledge – see notes below). The earlier entries may well have been made by Rosie Buckley-Flashman, Gus Harry’s wife (1781-1815) – neither of Jack’s wives (see below) came to England, it would appear – and perhaps Alicia Paget-Flashman, Buck’s wife (1810-1825) made the entry recording Rosie Buckley’s death in 1823, whilst Havvy himself could have written one or two others.

NOTE: It is hugely unfortunate that this ‘index’ of the Flashman family is incomplete. Tragically Flyleaf 2 was torn at some time and a large chunk of the bottom of it has been lost. This section could well have contained details of others of Flashy’s grandchildren and great grandchildren than those we know positively about. Sadly we will probably now never know.

Entries: December, 1775 – October, 1918

Page 1: Flyleaf 1 – Facing

John (‘Jack’) Angustus Flashman (1725 – 1800)
Born 17th November 1725, City of Leicester, England. Son of John and Jemima Flashman, landholders of Leicestershire, England. Captain 48th Regt of Foot. Shipowner and Merchantman. Left England and emigrated to the Colony of Massachusetts, 17th April 1746. Married: Mary Jane (‘Jay’) Harrison, 23rd September 1759. Son: Augustus Harrison (‘Gus Harry’). Married Angela Isabel (‘Harry’) Harrison, 8th May 1760. Returned to England, 10th December 1775. Resided Ashby, Leics., from 1775 and London from 1780. Deceased 23rd January 1800. Buried: Ashby, Leics
Acknowledged illegitimate sons:
Obediah Phileas Flashman Adams, born 9th June 1748 (mother: Buttercup Adams of Cambridge, Massachusetts);
Carlton Simon Jefferson born 19th November 1749 (mother: Jessie Jefferson of Newport, Rhode Island);
Martin Michael Paine born 4th February 1750 (mother; Juniper Paine of Philadelphia);
David Charles Paine born 8th February 1750 (mother: Rebecca Paine of Philadelphia);
Samson Edward Paine born 12th February 1750 (mother: Clarissa Paine of Philadelphia);
Jacob Isaiah Flashman Parkin, born 31st July 1790 (mother: Molly Parkin of Charlotte Street, London).

Acknowledged illegitimate daughters:
Priscilla Matilda Paine born 9th February 1750 (mother: Mattie Paine of Philadelphia);
Charity Charmian Paine born 10th February 1750 (mother: Hope Paine of Philadelphia).

Wife: Mary Jane (‘Jay’) Harrison-Flashman (1744 -1760)
Spinster of Boston, Colony of Massachusetts – daughter of Joseph (‘Heeler’) Harrison, shoemaker of Boston, Colony of Massachusetts. Born 8th June 1744, Boston. Married John (‘Jack’) Augustus. Died giving life to Augustus (‘Gus Harry’), 19th April 1760. Buried: Boston.

Wife: Angela Isabel (‘Harry’) Harrison-Flashman (1745 – 1775)
Spinster of Boston, Colony of Massachusetts – daughter of Joseph (‘Heeler’) Harrison, shoemaker of Boston, Colony of Massachusetts. Born 9th May 1745, Boston. Married John (‘Jack’)Augustus. Killed by Indian savages: 7th April 1775. Buried: Kentucky.

Curator’s Comments: Jack’s life as ‘depicted’ here is in accord with both Flashy’s and Buck’s reminiscences and remarks. His early days in America in the northern Colonies were obviously somewhat peripatetic. His time in Philadelphia in May 1749 was clearly entertaining, when he seems to have stayed at the Paine residence and enjoyed the attentions of each of Mr Paine’s (at least) five daughters – or were they all sisters? We shall probably never know – just as we have no idea of Mr Paine’s reaction at finding that all his daughters (?) were simultaneously ‘in the club’ after Jack’s stay at his home. Jack’s acknowledgement of this offspring, plus Rosie’s knowledge of them, suggests he made some provision for them at some point – as probably did Gus Harry for his (see below). The swift marriage to Jay’s younger sister, ‘Harry’, after Jay’s death was not all that uncommon in the early days of the Americas, nor the fact that Jack was at least 20 years their senior. What could be seen as interesting is that having got each of the Paine daughters pregnant, when he was 25, and not marrying any of them, he sees it to be necessary to wed a pregnant Jay when he was 35 – maybe Heeler Harrison was a more forthright parent than Mr Paine, or indeed, was not averse to Jack’s somewhat cavalier stance - whereas Mr Paine was and anyway couldn’t decide which daughter Jack should wed! Jack may just have had the feeling that it was time, in 1759, to establish a legitimate dynasty, given he was becoming quite wealthy by then.

Augustus Harrison (‘Gus Harry’) Flashman (1760-1820)
Born 18th April 1760, Boston, Colony of Massachusetts, son of John (‘Jack’) Augustus and Mary Jane (‘Jay’) Harrison, of Massachusetts. Shipowner and Merchantman. Resided: Ashby, Leics, from December 1775 and London, from August 1780. Married Rosie Buckley, 10th January 1781.
Son: Harry Buckley; Daughter: Margaret Rose Harrison; Son: Augustus John Buckley. Killed in action off Barbados, 15th November 1820. Buried at sea.

Page 2: Flyleaf 1 – Reverse

Acknowledged illegitimate sons:
Beau Francois Cameaux born 8th June 1791 (mother: Regine Bindley Cameaux, Decatur Street, New Orleans, Louisiana);
Nelson Victor Marin born 5th December 1806 (mother: Mary Marin, Kingston, Jamaica)
Wellesley Arthur Marin, born 12th August 1810 (mother: Mary Marin, Kingston, Jamaica).

Acknowledged illegitimate daughters:
Cindy-Lou Lafayette, born 3rd May 1790 (mother: Lulubelle Lafayette, Keyes Plantation, Baton Rouge);
Marguerite Augustine DeVine, born 8th September 1795 (mother: Orleanda DeVine, Havana, Cuba).

Wife: Rosemary (‘Rosie’) Buckley-Flashman (1761 – 1823)
Widow of Old Compton Street, Soho, London. Born 6th June 1761, Liverpool, England. Daughter of Margaret May (‘Maggie May’) Buckley and (acknowledged) Albert (‘Bert’) Garston, of n.f.a. Married: Augustus (‘Gus Harry’) January 12 1781. Died of consumption, 23rd October 1823. Buried: Ashby, Leics.

Curator’s Comments: Gus Harry’s biographical notes indicate a considerable time, in his later years, spent both at sea and in the West Indies and Southern USA. Rosie, one is almost forced to conclude, was the daughter of a ‘working girl’ and prior to her marriage to ‘Gus Harry’, was one herself. Her marriage to ‘Gus Harry’ in January 1781, a mere 5 months after his arrival/living in London could give rise to all sorts of speculation - though Buck was not born until the following October. But... Rosie is stated as being a widow of just nineteen years old at the time of their marriage, so it is not inconceivable that Gus Harry was caught ‘in flagrante’ by Rosie’s first husband and he had to call him out.
From the date of Cindy-Lou’s birth in New Orleans, one might conclude that Gus Harry did not physically take over Jack’s ‘shipping’ business until he was nearly in his 30s (quite what he did in his earlier days is unknown). One is tempted to believe that as Buck did with Flashy following Flashy’s tryst with Buck’s mistress, Judy Parsons, Jack had the same problem with Gus Harry over Molly Parkin and took similar action – Rosie as a twenty-nine year old ‘woman of the world’ with a rich sixty-four year old father-in-law, may well have been wholly party to such a plan!
We have no information as to what happened to Jack’s American assets – perhaps the Harrison family of Boston, Massachusetts have knowledge – or (see note below) the Paines of Philadelphia?
We finally have to conclude that Gus Harry died in a battle at sea, off Barbados, when carrying a shipload of ‘black ivory;’ - though Buck refers to him as ‘probably being involved in piracy’ and Flashy states that he drank himself to death.

Harry Buckley (‘Mad Buck’) Flashman (1781 – 1850)
Born: 14th October 1781, Ashby, Leics. Gentleman. Son of Augustus (‘Gus Harry’). Married Alicia Amelia Paget 12th May 1810. Daughter: Selina Paget. Son: Buckley Paget. Son: Harry Paget. Other: ‘Un-named’. Died at Barnet Clinic 1845. Buried: Ashby, Leics.

Margaret (‘Peggy’) Rose Harrison Flashman (1784– 1794)
Born: 30th July 1784. Daughter of Augustus (‘Gus Harry’). Died of smallpox 7th June 1794. Buried: Ashby, Leics.

Augustus Buckley John (‘Aybee’) Flashman (1785 – 1794)
Born: 22nd April 1785. Son of Augustus (‘Gus Harry’). Died of smallpox 12th June 1794. Buried: Ashby, Leics

Wife: Alicia (‘Lishy’) Amelia Paget –Flashman (1794 – 1825)
Spinster of London. Born 22nd November 1794, Westminster, London. Daughter of Lord Edward Paget and Annabella Maria Selina Bindley-Paget. Married Harry Buckley (‘Mad Buck’) 12 May 1810. Died in childbirth 17th December 1825. Buried: Ashby, Leics

Curator’s Comments: Neither Buck nor Flashy make any reference to Buck’s having had siblings – legitimate or illegitimate – which could be construed as odd given that Buck must have known of the deaths of his brother and sister, if not of the existence of his American half-brothers and sisters. Buck was certainly at Rugby School when his younger brother and sister died and their father was in the West Indies/Caribean. However such real information we have of Buck is in the main, second hand from mentions in ‘Black Ajax’ or hearsay. Given Buck’s self admitted rake-like lifestyle, it is perhaps surprising that no illegitimate offspring are listed – if Flashy had had a half-brother, he would surely have mentioned him, somewhere in his Papers.

Page 3: Flyleaf 2 - Facing
Selina Alicia (‘Sally’) Paget Flashman (1812 – 1816)
Born 28th January 1812. Daughter of Buck and Lishy. Died of diphtheria 14th May 1816. Buried: Ashby, Leics.

Buckley Paget (‘Primus’) Flashman (1814 – 1820)
Born 13th May 1814. Son of Buck and Lishy. Died of pneumonia 4th July 1820. Buried: Ashby, Leics.

Harry Paget (‘FLASHY’) Flashman (1822 – 1915)
Born 5th May 1822, Ashby, Leics. Son of Buck and Lishy. Soldier. Married Elspeth Renee Morrison 27th July 1840. Son: Harry (‘Havvy’) Albert Victor. Daughter: Josephine (‘Jo’) Mary Bindley. Died when hunting 18th October 1915. Buried: Ashby, Leics.
Acknowledged illegitimate son:
Frank Grouard [‘Standing Bear’], bor[Page torn across
aka Mrs Candy of 134 Decatur Street, New Orleans and 1287 Park[Page torn across

‘Unnamed’ Flashman (1825)
Stillborn of Buck and Lishy, 17th December 1825

Wife: Elspeth Renée Morrison-Flashman (1824 – 1916)
Spinster of Renfrew, Scotland. Born 3ed April 1824. Daughter of John Mor[Page torn across
Illona Abercrombie-Morrison of Renfrew. Married Harry Paget (‘Flash[Page torn across
Died peacefully 14th December 1916.

Harry (‘Havvy’) Albert Victor Flashman (1849-1918)
Born 22nd October 1849. Married Hermione Jane Simpkins 2[Page torn across
Created Bishop of Leicester 1895. Daughter: Selina (Selly) Ro[Page torn across

Josephine (‘Jo’) Mary Bindley Flashman [Morrison] (1857 –[Page torn across
Born 23rd June .1857. Married Sa[Page torn across

[Missing Portion]

Page 4: Flyleaf 2 - Reverse
Wife: Hermione Jane Simpkins-Flashman (1853 - )
Born 8th August 1854. Spinster of Market Harborough. Daughter of Thomas Simpkins and Delphinia Smith-Simpkins. Married Harry Victor’Havvy’

Husband: Samuel John Morrison (1852 - )
Born 17th March 1852. Merchant. Son of Ian and Margaret Morrison of Paisley. Married Josephine (‘Jo’) Mary Bindley.

Selina (‘Selly’) Rosemary Bindley Flashman [Stanger] (1875 - )
Born 1st May 1875. Daughter of Havvy. Married Randall Rawstone Stanger – 20th [Page torn across

Jeremiah Josiah (‘Josh’) Flashman (1876 - )
Born 7th July 1876. Mechanic/Engineer. Son of Havvy. Married Elizabeth Milldred[Page torn across

Husband: Randall Rawstone Stanger (1870 - )
Born 23rd October 1870 – son of Lord Peregrine Montmorency Stanger and La[Page torn across
Stanger of Virginia Water, Berks. Gentleman.

Wife: Elizabeth Milldred (‘Milly’) Riley-Flashman (1879 - )
Born 12th August 1879. Spinster of Chelsea, London. Daughter of Henry Jame[Page torn across
Rolls-Riley of Chelsea, London. Married ‘Josh’.

Paget Buckley Flashman Morrison (1885 - )
Born 19th February 1885. Son of Jo and Samuel. Busine[Page torn across

[Missing Portion]

Page 5: Flyleaf 3(back of the Bible) - Facing
John Harry Bindley Flashman (1906 -
Born 15th April 1906. Son of ‘Josh’

Jemima Isabel Rawstone Stanger (1907 -
Born 23rd January 1907. Daughter of Selly and Randall

Alicia (‘Alice’) Margaret Jane Flashman (1909 -
Born 5th March 1909. Daughter of Josh

Augustus Tertius (‘Gus’) Randall Peregrine Stanger (1910 -
Born 31st October 1910. Son of Selly and Randall

Curator’s Comments: Flashy only ever remarks that his mother, Alicia, died ‘when he was little’ and thus he could well have been wholly unaware of both the cause of Alicia’s death and indeed the existence of his deceased elder brother and sister. It might however be seen as odd that the possibility of his having had deceased siblings never apparently occurred to him. He must surely have been aware that his parents had been married for twelve years before he was born – maybe not? It would appear that as ‘archivist’ of the family records, Elspeth seems to have got Buck to inform her of, not least, the circumstances of Alicia’s death – she did spend various long periods with Buck and Judy during Flashy’s travels, notably most of 1841 and 1842 and, of course, subsequent to the Madagascar ‘adventure’ in 1845. The really strange part of these entries, however, is the inclusion of Standing Bear and the fact that the family, prior to 1918, knew of his existence plus considering it to be relevant to make note of him in this bible. The only possible way that this could have happened is by the family’s finding Flashy’s Papers in 1915/16 and reading not least ‘The Redskins’ episode. If as one suspects, Elspeth gave the bible to Havvy in late 1915/early 1916 and that the handwriting for virtually all other entries post Flashy’s birth/1823 is the same – the writing regarding Standing Bear could be that of Havvy (as could the entry regarding Elspeth’s death).

The loss of roughly half of ‘Flyleaf 2’ can only be regarded as a calamity of significant proportions. Its loss means that it is consequently impossible properly to confirm or otherwise, Flashy’s remarks about having a collection of “grandlings and great grandlings too numerous to count” It, in fact, leaves the dedicated Flashman scholar, so to speak, ‘out on a limb.’ - very sad and extremely inconvenient.

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