Saturday, September 22, 2007

Site Contents
1. Introduction
o Prologue
o Bible
o Day Journals
o American Flash
o Discussion Papers
o HPF Correspondence
o Posthumous Documents
o Photograph and Illustration Library

2. The Flashman Family
o Essential Data
§ Bible Flyleaf Entries
§ Family Tree
§ American Flashman – The American descendents of Jack (Flashy’s great grandfather) and Gus Harry (Flashy’s grandfather)
o Deduced Timeline/Chronology of the direct Family’s History - 1740 to 1842 7
o Other relevant ‘unknown’ dates – 1842/1920

3. The Life of HPF –
o Extracts from the Day Journals –
§ “Flashman – part 1” 1839/1840
§ “Flashman – part 2” 1841/43
§ “Flashman’s Mummy” 1846
§ “Flashman’s Irish Jig” 1859/61
§ “Flashman and Honest Abe” – 1862/1865
§ “Flashman’s Oscar” – Part 1 – 1876/80
§ “Flashman and the Gay Gordon” – 1884/85
§ “Flashman and the Ripper”– 1885/92
§ Other Edited Extracts – as and when!
o Detailed (deduced) Geographical Timeline of General Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC KB etc

4. Discussion Papers/Hypotheses
o When were the Papers (so far published) written?
o The Eagerly Awaited Papers (e.g. Flashman at the Max [1866/1868], Flashman’s Balloon[1868/9], Flashman and the Prussians/Flashman and Red Guiseppe [1870/71], Flashman and the Fuzzy-Wuzzies(1896), Flashman and She, Flashman’s Oscar[1882plus], Flashman in the South Seas, Flashman’s Maple Leaf, Flashman on the…, etc., etc)
o Flashy’s Asides and Riddles (by published Paper)
o People Flashy must also have known
o Confusions/Conundrums within the Papers
o Flashy’s ‘Asides’

5. Documents & Belles Lettres
o HPF’s Correspondence
o Gilbert’s ‘Missive’
o Posthumous Papers

6. Miscellany
o Flashman’s other writings
o The Flashman Songbook
o Flashy’s and Elspeth’s Philanderings

7. Historical Notes of the key events and personalities relevant to the life of Harry Flash – this is huge and not yet done in entirety (and maybe never will be!)

8. The Flashman Photograph and Illustrations library
o Family
o ‘Conquests’
o ‘Friends’ and Acquaintances
o 1839/42
o 1843 to 1915

9. Bibliography

10. Index


Mark said...

Hi Sonia,

Is this a project you are still working on?

I'm really keen to see your work and find out more about any research you have done around the Flashman series.

Many thanks,

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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